Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Bullies At CAIR Try To Shut Down Feb 20 N. VA GOP Women's Group Talk On Sharia & Hijab

Fairfax County (Virginia)?School Superintendent Jack Dale deserves a round of applause for refusing to cave in to the bullying demands of the Hamas-linked Council of American Islamic Relations (CAIR).

The superintendent came under fire for renting space at Fairview Elementary School in the Clifton, VA area to the Republican Women of Clifton, who will have a speaker at their meeting next week discussing Sharia law and the hijab.

The Washington ComPost posted a very biased article on Feb. 8 that reads more like a CAIR press release instead of a straight news article in a national newspaper.

The notice in the Fairfax Station Patch on Tuesday was brief, but to Laurie Jaghlit it felt like a punch in the gut.
At the next meeting of Republican Women of Clifton, a guest speaker would discuss ?the treatment of women in Islamic society and how she believes the Hijab is a catalyst for Islamic terrorism.? The Feb. 20 meeting would take place at Fairview Elementary School, five miles from Jaghlit?s house.
Jaghlit, a 52-year-old grandmother who raised nine children in Fairfax Station and Herndon, wears the hijab, or Islamic head covering. She had heard about talks like this in other parts of the country but had never confronted the issue so close to home.
?If that?s not hateful and inciteful speech, I don?t know what is,? she said. ?This is a diverse area. You?d think that hopefully we?d be beyond this."
The ComPost followed up with CAIR spokesmouth Ibrihim Hooper throwing out the usual Islamphobia and bigotry card that is used to bully anyone who dares question radical Islamists and Sharia law.?As a typical?example of CAIR/Hooper's bullying, the Roman Catholic Diocese of Worcester MA cancelled a talk by Robert Spencer, director of JihadWatch.? It is only near the end of the article that Jaghlit, mentioned in the lede of the ComPost piece,?"works part-time for CAIR" and "she and half a dozen other Muslim women who wear the hijab plan to attend the meeting to 'have our non-terrorist voices heard.'"

The only response the ComPost allowed for the GOP Women's club was an e-mail response from Club President Alice Butler-Short, of which they took only a very?brief excerpt.

Of course, no where does the ComPost note how the FBI has linked CAIR to Hamas as well as elements of the Muslim Brotherhood, noted in 2007 by Counterterrorism Blog.? CAIR's co-founders Omar Ahmed and Nihad Awad were placed at a 1993 meeting in Philadelphia where Hamas members and supporters strategized ways to kill the Oslo Accords. Hooper has been quoted as saying in 1993, ?I wouldn't want to create the impression that I wouldn't like the government of the United States to be Islamic sometime in the future...But I'm not going to do anything violent to promote that. I'm going to do it through education.?

James Lafferty, who leads the Virginia Anti-Sharia Task Force, is asking that interested citizens come attend the event next Wednesday night, as a way to counter possible interruption from the CAIR activists.?It is important to note that CAIR has had a history showing up in large numbers in an effort to intimidate, as they did with the Fairfax County Planning Commission in 2009.


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