Stray Dog
The state of animal shelters has greatly improved over the last years. They have focused?on responsible adoption by making sure that people who adopt a dog or cat know what is required of them in terms of long-term care and maintenance for the wellbeing of the pet. However, although many shelters strive to give the best care for the animals they take in, unfortunately they are still faced with many problems in finding homes for these pets. Also, more and more dogs and cats are flooding in shelters which can often become too much to handle.
Causes of Pet Overpopulation
Pet overpopulation is an enormous and tragic problem that is being tackled but is somehow showing little signs of going away.? In the U.S. alone, there are around 50 dogs and cats being born for every human baby, and only 1 in 10 end up in a home.
Why are there just too many pet dogs and cats? One would be the breeders who churn out puppies and kittens for customers. Sad to say, puppy and kitten mills are rampant and since people keep buying from them, even indirectly through some pet stores, they do not run out of business.
Another root of pet overpopulation where countless dogs and cats end up in shelters is the actions of irresponsible pet owners. Some owners may breed their pets for the fun of it or for selling and then not know or are incapable of caring for those left with them. Their solution is to take them to the shelter.
Also, one third of pet owners in the U.S. do not have their pets spayed or neutered. Accidental breeding is the result of pets finding ways to mate with each other, even if owners try to stop them. Many of the offspring, which are usually unwanted, also end up in shelters.
All Pets Grow Up
Once a puppy or a kitten outgrows its cuteness, the owner has to contend with all the phases that entail growing up, from awkwardness to old age. It is sad to say that some owners? interest in their pets die out after some time. What they used to find endearing, such as a pup or kitten nibbling on a shoe or begging, become annoying when they grow up. Since many owners do not have the time, patience, or desire to properly train them to behave, their solution is to bring the pet to a shelter.
Overcrowding of Pet Dogs and Cats
Thousands of pets are surrendered in animal shelters each year and the result is overcrowding. Aside from the shelters? dilemma of how to properly house them, overcrowding is not good for the animals? health because they can easily transfer diseases to others. Also, the animals can become stressed out and which leads to aggression and other behavioral problems.
People?s Criteria in Choosing Rescue Pets
Many dogs and cats do not meet the criteria of the people who are looking to adopt. For example, many prospective owners may look for adorable puppies and kittens. However, majority of rescues in shelters are adolescent or mature. Other folks may be looking for a particular breed or size that suits their lifestyle, home space, or temperament.
The usual breeds of dogs that are passed over for adoption are pitbulls, the herding breed, hunting breed, and in some cases, whatever breed is very common in a certain area. This very specific selective process can limit choices to a minimum, leaving many potential and adoptable pets in shelters.
More and more shelters are trying to adopt a ?no-kill? policy and have become more active in the effort to find homes for dogs and cats. However, there are still numerous animal shelters where pets are being euthanized.
According to the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS), four million dogs and cats are euthanized in shelters every year because they cannot be found good homes. This can also be measured as a death approximately every 8 seconds. This makes euthanasia the leading cause of death among pet dogs and cats in the U.S.
Here are several tips and suggestions on how you can help:
?Spay or neuter your dog or cat, especially if you are not planning to breed them.
?Adopt a dog or cat from a pet shelter instead of from a pet shop or breeder.
?Try not to be too specific with the looks of a dog or cat when adopting from the shelter. They may not look perfect but they can give unconditional love just the same.
?When choosing which rescue pet to adopt, remember that older dogs and cats in shelters can also make great pets, not just cute puppies and kittens.
?Before you decide to get a pet, make sure you are ready for a long-term commitment and are responsible enough to provide the pet what it needs.
?Let people know about the significance of spaying and neutering, and how they can help by adopting pets in shelters.
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