5,000 years ago on another planet ruled by monsters and animals of all kinds, even ones from earth a profecy was born.
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KorothKoroth, home to many creatures and countries.
(Click this for a picture of the map and countries.)
Renalo: The safest country, free-est country, and all above most likeable country on Koroth. It's the most stable and it's the home of the Elder Dragon. It's home to diverse creatures, infact immagrants from everywhere around the world are allowed here. It consists of a large, main island, then a smaller, but still large, island to the east of it. At war with no countries at the moment.
Krai'in: A weaker country, but supported by Renalo in many ways. Seen as Renalo's brother country and is similar to Renalo in more ways than not.
Sorot Kled: A very weak and unstable country, filled mostly with poverty and ghettos, it's constantly at war with other nations including the Deserts, Kilod, and the Fire Nation. NOT at war with Renalo, Krai'in, or any of the Air's Isles.
Ka'awii: Sister nation to Iceworld Island.
Iceworld Island: Home to many water and ice tribes, it's for those who prefer cold yet not extreme cold.
Killod: A country losing it's land. The Eastern Desert, Western Desert, and Warlands all used to be a part of Killod, until they seceded by force and crippled Killod.
Fire Nation: Home to volcanoes, fire and lava creatures alike, this is THE evil military nation. At war with half of the world, and winning, they are seen as the bad guys. They are trying to take over Killod, Sorot Kled, Warllands, both Deserts, and failing at Eastern Renalo.
Eastern Deset: Commonly known as the Red Desert, for being the hottest place on the planet and for having red sand, they are a seceded part of Killod, and fighting their border nation, Fire Nation. The desert nomads and fire creatures who live here are extremely dangerous and hostile.

CassandraElyonill - Member for 0 years
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